
Monstrin (Hybrid) (Hybrid Subtype)

This hybrid was turned into a monstrin

Taur (Hybrid Aerolin) (Hybrid Subtype)

One parent of this Aerolin is a Taur.


Taur (Hybrid Aurolis) (Hybrid Subtype)

One parent of this Aurolis is a Taur.


Origin (Hybrid) (Hybrid Subtype)

The Aurolis half of this hybrid is an Origin.

Aquaun (Kinun Subtype)

Terraun (Kinun Subtype)

Skeleton (Kinun Subtype)

Alphauns (Kinun Subtype)

Werekinun (Kinun Subtype)

Witch (Gyrite Subtype)

Vampire (Squiggle Guy Subtype)

Hat (Fouling Subtype)

Pumpkin (Aurovine Subtype)

Gummy (Crypt Subtype)

35 results found.